Ether x45 Never Wipe
L2MetaWars - Lineage 2 Classic Client.
EXP / SP: x45 - x20
Adena: x15
Seal Stones: x8
Raid Boss EXP/SP: x15
Spoil: x4
Epic Boss Drop: x1
Raid Boss Drops: x4
Drop: x4
Manor: x2
Safe Enchant: +3
Max Enchant: +16
Safe Enchant: +3
Max Enchant: +12
Starting all classes with No grade items, SS/SpS etc
GMShop (Max. B-Grade)
Auto CP/MP/HP Mana Potions (1000MP, 10 sec Cooldown)
NPC Buffer (Include all buffs , 2h duration)
Auto-learn skills (Without Divine Inspiration)
Global Gatekeeper
Skill "Escape: 30 seconds" or /unstuck
Buff Slots: 24 (28 with Divine Inspiration LVL 4)
Skill Block Buff added
Configurable Auto Pick-up
Shift + Click to see Droplist
Retail Geodata and Pathnodes
Advanced Cancel: Buffs returns after 10 seconds
NO FREE EXP/ITEMS - you have to earn everything with effort.
Remove Buffs ALT+click
NO P2W - No boosters for donations, you have to get everything by yourself.
Server's Commands: Press Alt+B - Ingame Data Base
Seven Signs will be open 24/7.
You can find Mammons in the Catacombs, Necropolises and Giran Harbor.
Tyrannosaurus drop Top LS
Chance of getting skills (Normal 1%, Mid 3%, High 5%, Top 7%)
Goddard - Sundays 20:00 - 22:00
Giran - Saturday 20:00 - 22:00
1st Class Transfer (Free)
2nd Class Transfer (Free)
3rd Class Transfer (50kk Adena)
Subclass Status Just Needed (Pure Silver)
Noblesse (Full Retail Quest)
Olympiad circle 7 days. (Maximum Enchant +6)
Olympiads time 18:00 - 00:00 (GMT +3)
Non-class 5 minimum participants to begin
Class based disabled
Max Clients/PC: 2
Max Clan Members: 45
Clan Penalties one hour
Max Alliance: 1
All Epic Zone: (Max number of participants in one clan 36 Members) (Max number of participants in one inside ally clans 54 Members)
EXP / SP / ALL DROP RATE 20% AutoFarm at no Cost
Server Rates :

Enchant Weapon :

Normal Scroll Chances:
| +4:66% | +5:66% | +6:66% | +7:66% | +8:66% | +9:66% | +10:50% | +11:40% | +12:30% | +13:25% | +14:25% | +15:25% | +16:25% |
Blessed Scroll Chances :
| +4:65% | +5:65% | +6:60% | +7:60% | +8:55% | +9:55% | +10:50% | +11:40% | +12:30% | +13:25% | +14:25% | +15:25% | +16:25% |
Improved Scroll Chances :
| +4:65% | +5:65% | +6:60% | +7:60% | +8:55% | +9:55% | +10:50% | +11:40% | +12:30% |
Enchants Armor/Jewellery:

Normal Scroll Chances:
| +4:70% | +5:40% | +6:35% | +7:30% | +8:25% | +9:20% | +10:20% | +11:15% | +12:15% |
Blessed Scroll Chances :
| +4:65% | +5:35% | +6:30% | +7:25% | +8:25% | +9:20% | +10:20% | +11:15% | +12:15% |
Improved Scroll Chances :
| +4:65% | +5:35% | +6:30% | +7:25% | +8:25% |
Game Features:

Sieges Every 2 weeks:

Class changer & Subclass & Noblesse:


Clans, Alliances:


Premium Account: