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Grand Opening ETHER x45

1 June, 2024 • 18:00 (UTC +2)
News 25.04.2024

💠 Hello @everyone
We have good news to announce that the server that will open in June 1 .
Will be the MAIN Server and every 4 months we will make another season server and integrate ( merge ) it into the MAIN that will always be open..

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News 15.04.2024

💠 Hello @everyone
🔸 As everyone knows, midrate servers usually last no more than 2 months.
🔸 We have decided to guarantee 3 seasons of 4 months duration per year to offer our players the fresh start that they like to have time to time but without wiping the server too early to give all players the opportunity to enjoy it with calm.
🔸 This will all change when the server gets to the point it has a lot of players.
🔸 Then it will become stable without a wipe.

Your opinion matters you are our supporters.
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